
segunda-feira, 28 de agosto de 2017



This text was one of the toughest and vibrant I have written as it addresses not only the biological question, but historical-archaeological, ancient symbols, we did not understand what it was until today when compared to the human body and its glands . 

Egypt Antigo- civilization that had some knowledge that we still do not today; There was the eye of Horus, well known also called Udyat, meaning, power, protection, vision. However, this ancient design not only represented the eye of an Egyptian god, but the pineal within the brain! It is the design of the way this gland is in the brain!

As a civilization as old, you could have this knowledge without the technology we have today ?! I will discuss this in another text!

The Egyptian civilization understood that this was the all-seeing eye!

Michelangelo when he painted the Sistine Chapel, in the book "The Creation", artistically portrayed, the pineal gland, as God touching the man (Adam), that is what binds man to God as the pineal. This genius knew the mysteries of the pineal!

Many information are painted in frames of geniuses, but we have not the ability to interpret!

The pineal gland has three functions: to produce hormones, and sensory Chronobiological:
  • Hormone - producing  Pineal produces metalonina 1 , which synchronizes the multiple circadian rhythms (rhythmic processes of the organism) to the day / night cycle. Take the 8 remedy in 8 hours shows circadian rhythm.
  • Cronobiológica- acts as the body clock, synchronizing all the individual's metabolism, from the electromagnetic waves of the sun and moon. So regardless of whether the site has more dark days and bright days, eg the Arctic, the pineal reacts not only light, but electromagnetic waves "zetbergs" 2 .
  • Sensorial- Captures eletromagnéticas- waves is the living and those who have disincarnated. A person who already has information and training on the possibility of communication with the spirit world, and the vibrations that each individual has, feels the vibration, stores the information in the thalamus 2  and sends the information (being a person who seeks to use the reasoning and loves good) for theCortex Pre-Front 3 , responsible for thinking and decodes the received information. But people who use more instinct than reason, the information via electromagnetic waves are sent to the thalamus and from there sent to the hypothalamus  4.Hypothalamus instintos- linked to hunger, thirst, aggression, survival sex 
Hypothalamus is part of the Reptilian Complex, the most primitive part of our brain, which deals with the will without thinking, do not think the other only themselves to satisfy their appetites. 
    This two ways to interpret the vibratory phenomena of the energy absorbed by the pineal, the first decoded by the thought, the second decoded by instincts is the big question of how we deal with sexuality, whether vanilla, bdsmer, hetero or homo ... is not the we do but how we do it . 

    In BDSM can have two positions. The first sees sexuality rationally and respects the other, consensual, and every relationship the ratio is above everything-not excluding the feeling, we are beings who feel; but never being abusive. The second sees sexuality instinctively without respecting the other- the other is a way to meet, there is consensual, it uses the intelligence to act in an abusive manner, more important than reason and the feeling is instinct. After being satisfied abandon those who met him. 

    These postures have to be how we live, whether rational or instinctively, all sexuality will follow this. Who deals with life rationally have a balance in your sexuality and happiness and fulfillment is your companion, but those who deal instinctively, suffers from sexuality is her slave! The pineal is an antenna (has in its apatite crystal structure) that will send the thalamus the subjective and objective impressions, which from there to be decoded to the prefrontal cortex (thought) or the hypothalamus (instinct).We need to understand that BDSM before sex is only gathering of energy and how we deal with it will show the level of evolution in which we are and always respect consensual or not, if we respect each other.

    Those who act in an abusive manner, to be repressed !! It may not be the level of evolution that is humanity that abusive relationships, especially in BDSM who handles the exchange of power, be tolerated.


    Um comentário:

    1. Parem de exagerar seus bando de mimizentos idiotas.
      Essas coisas não são abuso.
