
quarta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2017



When we go deeper in the study of man-physical, psychological and spiritual, we need to understand one of the fundamental points of spiritualism (philosophy-science that adopt) is the general and agreement.
The Generalitat nothing better than systematizer to discuss this theme: " N the introduction of" The Gospel According to Spiritism ": "It was God that the new revelation came to men fastest and most authentic.Instructed therefore the spirits to take it from one pole to another, manifesting itself everywhere, without consulting anyone the privilege of hearing the word to them. A man can be deceived, you can deceive himself; It will no longer be so when millions of creatures see and hear the same thing. It is a guarantee for each and for all. The rest, can be made to disappear a man; but you can not make them disappear collectivities;They can burn the books, but if you can not burn the spirits. Now burn up all the books and the source of doctrine does not cease to be kept inexhaustible, for the very reason of not being on earth, arise everywhere and everyone can drink from it. " 1
The Concordância- is that in different locations, without not knowing what the other received and heard of spirituality, the information fit.Different locations, different spirits communicate the same.

Why on board at the beginning of this text these two points? Because Chico Xavier had a good friend named Geraldo Lemos Neto and one night confided to this a matter of the highest importance for mankind. he said the following:
  • That there was a meeting on the moon with the angelic entities (pure spirits) to discuss the evolution of the planet Earth, a place of evidence and atonement for regeneration;
  • After long discussion, in which argued that humanity had not yet moral evolution for the transition, due to be launched atomic bombs killing its own similar;
  • Christ after heated argument that could be given 50-year moratorium on the land, and until July 20, 2019 did not have a nuclear war another war or a third World War, the planet would rise to a higher stage of evolution!
  • If it happens the use of nuclear weapons for military purposes Earth itself end the war: "C aso humanity embodied decide to pursue the unfortunate way of World War III, a nuclear war of unpredictable and disastrous consequences, then then the very earth mother under the auspices of the Greater Life, will react with unforeseen violence by our men of science. man begin War III, but who would finish it would be the telluric forces of nature, the earth itself tired of human excesses, and we would then faced with earthquakes gigantic, and tidal waves  (tsunamis) consequential; we would see the explosion of volcanoes extinct long time; We would face devastating thaws that avassalariam the globe poles with tragic results for coastal areas due to rising sea levels; and in this case, the volcanic ash associated with harmful nuclear radiationwould eventually become totally uninhabitable throughout the Northern Hemisphere of our globe . 2 
There is no other that I know of spirituality statements in this regard, to corroborate or to refute, but silence! The only information we had came from this friend Chico. However, after the detonation of an H-bomb made by North Korea and the resurgence of nuclear positions between the US and Korea, hurricanes and earthquakes have shaken the north of the planet. 

  • Day 3 Set North Korea detonates an H-bomb;

  • 8th Set an earthquake in Mexico of 8.1;

  • A common Hurricane turned into a monster, Hurricane Irma 6th Set.
  • At the same time we have an earthquake in Mexico City and Hurricane Maria. 19 and 20 Set.

Puerto Rico is being devastated by Hurricane Maria! 
All this causes me much concern, because while not living in these areas, but the planet is all. What I fear is even without yet having spirituality of evidence of this land moratorium, the facts on disturb ... the outbreak of a bomb in North Korea and followed disasters, very strong in the north of the planet. Maybe if there is a US nuclear war against North Korea, there are no winners, because the planet will rebel!

Marcelo Santos

The "Date Limit" movie deals with this subject. Although in Portuguese but subtitles can be placed in English.

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