Useful tips for cleaning of the erotic accessories
The sex toys are amazing and a great addition to your sex life, both alone and with a partner, but can become dangerous if you do not have proper care, for this reason I decided to do this little guide information obtained from the Internet as You should take care of them and is open to corrections and adding more information ...

So come on
Before use:
♦ Even before the first use, it is important to sanitize, can be mild soap and water. So you are sure to be clean and ready for use;
♦ Examine your toy, make sure that there are no cracks or cracks that might cause some kind of injury or scratch, but also harbor bacteria and fungi, call and check batteries, imagine the situation: You're almost "there" and the vibrator dies just in time, no one deserves an electronic toy turn - off ?!
♦ Please note there is also no signs of mold or bad smell, hair, dust or some sort of residue.
🔛 Come on, learn a little about how to do the cleaning for each type of material, but rather some important observations:
🔴Gels antiseptics:
The antiseptic gels are often the cleaners most used as antibacterial, are sold to get the idea that to use the object is sterilized, but products made with porous materials need attention, because you end up cleaning only the surface of the object, but the pores keeps piling dirt, body fluids and waste sexy cosmetics and cleaning products.
Know that there is absolutely no way to completely eliminate the microorganisms of the porous toy, you can only completely disinfect sex toys such as silicone, ABS plastic, stainless steel, glass and ceramics. And for these materials, antibacterial gels are unnecessary, so great care is when it comes to the quality of its accessories.
🔴 Quick cleaning:
Make sure routinely is not with urinary tract infection or an STD, and your toy is not porous, so you can make faster cleaning should the occasion piece, with only water and mild soap to remove the traces of lubricant fluid and an antiseptic gel after use, but occasionally arrange a little of their time for complete cleaning and disinfection.

The antiseptic gels are often the cleaners most used as antibacterial, are sold to get the idea that to use the object is sterilized, but products made with porous materials need attention, because you end up cleaning only the surface of the object, but the pores keeps piling dirt, body fluids and waste sexy cosmetics and cleaning products.
Know that there is absolutely no way to completely eliminate the microorganisms of the porous toy, you can only completely disinfect sex toys such as silicone, ABS plastic, stainless steel, glass and ceramics. And for these materials, antibacterial gels are unnecessary, so great care is when it comes to the quality of its accessories.

Make sure routinely is not with urinary tract infection or an STD, and your toy is not porous, so you can make faster cleaning should the occasion piece, with only water and mild soap to remove the traces of lubricant fluid and an antiseptic gel after use, but occasionally arrange a little of their time for complete cleaning and disinfection.

You can use condoms with their silicone accessories, just be careful to buy nonlubricated or to inform that are lubricated water-based care, as most condom use silicone lubricants commonly are cheaper, these condoms can have reaction with silicone accessory, damaging your product.
For silicone or hard plastic such as ABS (is an acronym, which defines: a plastic - Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) can be used latex condom if there is some kind of allergy to the product, but for toys with porous materials recommended the use of polyurethane condoms because many of porous products used in their manufacture oil as a plastic softener and oil can react with the latex, but there is no certainty that the polyurethane can protect against some toxins products.

They are generally easy to clean, requiring attention in pieces with textures, reliefs, grooves, holes, where there is a junction of different materials or where they are toy openings like battery cover, it is recommended a toothbrush with bristles soft or cotton swab to clean these sites, it is importantremember that the accessory is not waterproof, do not soak or exaggerate the amount of water, not to compromise the operation of the product or not damage the mechanical parts of the apparatus for drying use absorbent paper towel or lint.

The accessories made100% silicon can be completely sterilized by being of low porosity (micro silicon has pores but does not harbor bacteria and fungi, stay quiet!).

When using silicone accessories you should use lubricants water-based to avoid damaging your toy. And if you want to use her toy in the water, you can use coconut oil asnatural lubricant is safe to use with silicone.
As mentioned earlier, you can do quick clean-ups, but should routinely do a more thorough cleaning to disinfect and sterilize. However, if the accessory is used in anal intercourse, deep cleansing always after use, and never make anal penetration and soon after vaginal penetration without prior cleaning is required, unless using condoms and these are exchanged in the transition from a location to another.
To sterilize you can leave it soaking in a mixture of cold water with 10% bleach, rinse well after, or soak in boiling water for about 5 to 10 minutes, in this case, it is only for dildos and plugs (remember to read the manufacturer's instructions and the type of your piece material).

There is no cleaning method that ensures sterilization, as these toys can not be completely disinfected, simple washing with mild soap and water is all you can do. Give preference to silicone or other accessories best quality material.

These are considered without pores, then you can use the quick cleaning method most often. Both glass and ceramics must be examined before each use to see if it has no cracks or scratches, if any, discard and replace the toy immediately.

Glass and ceramic are compatible with both water-based lubricants such as silicone or oil.
If not need to sterilize, wash with mild soap and water is enough. To sterilize you can leave it soaking in a mixture of cold water with 10% bleach, rinse well after, or soak in boiling water for about 7 to 10 minutes, remember that the glass retains heat, so be careful not to use after the procedure at risk of causing burns.

Some sex toys manufacturers of wood with natural finish, often do not know what types of lubricants are compatible or not. So inform yourself first.

Much of the wooden toys have finished polyurethane or varnish safe for the body, but have some toys made by hand coating of wax or oil. In these cases, your accessory will be temporarily waterproof and without pores. You should examine it thoroughly before and after each use, and inform the manufacturer as you should do proper cleaning it. "Natural finish" generally means oil or wax, and it will disappear after a few uses, including body fluids and washing with mild soap and water. For this reason, clean your wooden toys with a soft, damp cloth and do not use abrasive cleaners.

Another nonporous material, you can use any cleaning method. Some companies produce accessories with permanent finish that does not wear. Erotic toys with medical grade finish can be cleaned with a soft damp cloth diluted with alcohol to sterilize.

These are compatible with all types of lubricants.
You can do a quick cleaning, but from time to time is good to do a more thorough cleaning to sterilize. To sterilize can leave immersion in boiling water, and be careful because the metal also retains heat. Never use any abrasive thing to clean up. You can soak for 3 minutes in cold water mixed with 10% bleach, but after that you must wash the part with mild soap and running water to remove any traces of bleach.

The ABS plastic is nontoxic and not porous.

Compatible with all types of lubricants.
Clean with mild soap and water, never boil. You can spend alcohol in toys with smooth and glossy surface, but not accessories with polyurethane finish. Always referthe manufacturer's instructions to increase the life of your accessory.

All sex toys with this material are free of phthalates (number of substances capable of becoming rigid plastics in soft plastic) and non-toxic, but they are porous. Porous toys can transmit urinary tract infections, exposing vaginal and anal holes to chemicals, mold, bacteria and STDs. Many thermoplastics use mineral orsimilar substance to leave the soft plastic oil if you are allergic to mineral oil, you may have a reaction to this kind of toy. Besides being a very unstable material, will deteriorate in no time.

not compatible with the lubricating base oil, but compatible with lubricants based on water and silicone.
A simple washing with mild soap and water is all you can do. Give preference to silicone or other accessories best quality material.

These are produced to mimic human skin, but usually have a strong smell. They can be made of PVC; TPR; rubber and so on, so should not be considered safe. Make no mistake the softer the material,more "softener" was used in its manufacture, and the softener can not phthalates only be mineral oil, which some people are allergic. The material is extremely porous and unstable, will degrade faster, especially if it is kept in contact with others made of the same material toys.

Wash with soap and water, and then pass some corn starch. Make sure you are 100% dry before storing it not to get mold. DO NOT clean these toys with harsh chemicals, because they can remain in the pores of the material and come into contact with skin mucous, which will not be good!

Highly porous products may contain phthalates, despite dishonest manufacturers describe as free of that substance, as well as large amount of plastic softeners and other chemicals that can irritate the skin, without any regulation in this regard. It is recommended to avoid all erotic products produced with these materials.

Compatible with water-based lubricant and silicone.
These products can not be sterilized, the most you can do is wash with mild soap and water.

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