The human being as we know it today, with its logic capacity, emotions, etc ... is the result of an evolution, as we can not forget that we are animals.
In human brain evolution has led to the realization that there are three units that complement each other, but they still exist and at times manifest. Let's start from the most evolved part to the most primitive:
1- The Neocortex Cerebral- is called higher or rational brain is the brain of higher mammals, including primates and man. In this brain coexist the two most basic models and each of them has a role in human life;
2 Brain Intermediário- is called the old mammals. It corresponds to the brain of old mammals;
3 Complex Reptiliano- primitive brain called to neuroscientist Paul MacLean would be the brains of reptiles, or the brain of the most primitive animals.
When a dominant start to train and have a pet, it is important to keep in mind that it is moving directly to this deeper part of the human brain, the complex R.
Extracts the text below a site studying this part of the brain:
"Reptilian brain (or complex-R) is the most primitive part of our brain. It is directly responsible for over ninety percent of everything that happens in your body (and mind) on a daily basis, as well as its relationship with the environment and others, leaving little to the other parts that make up the most evolved primate brain (limbic brain cortex and neo-cortex). it is responsible for the automatic behavior, repetitive behavior and imitative behavior.
It has two basic emotions: aggression and fear, directly responsible for the individual survival (living being). The other emotions such as anger, sadness, joy and more refined emotions as affection, empathy and compassion are in the limbic brain level. " ... / complex-r-cerebro-rept ... /

Shakespeare once said: "To be or no to be, that's the question."
Put some websites for those who want to delve into the subject:
Marcelo Santos
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